Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

URDU ACADEMY: History 1978-2013

Khaana-e-Adab Urdu school

History of Khaana-e-Adab

Reports of Khaana-e-Adab

results of Khaana-e-Adab

Activities: Khaana-e-Adab


::: PHOTOS: The History of Khaana-e-Adab :::
Celebrating 25 years of Urdu !
Gyarhaween Shareef
Celebrating 25 years of Urdu !
Gyarhaween Shareef
Gyarhaween Shareef
Gyarhaween Shareef
Gyarhaween Shareef
Gyarhaween Shareef
Students reciting Naats Shareef !
A student delivering his speech in Urdu !
Students reciting Na'ats !
A student delivering his speech in Urdu !
Displaying our wares !
Displaying our wares !


School Of Urdu Grammar Established 1978
Na'at/Geet Academy Established 1999 - Urdu on P/C Established 2000 - On Pitch! Established 2001
37, Mavis Road, Rylands Estate. 7764 Cape Town. South Africa. Tel. No. +27 21 633 0261

The History of Khaana-e-Adab

I was very concerned that the younger generation should not lose their own language at the expense of becoming so westernized that they lose themselves to an alien culture. From my own experiences I had come to learn many essential and delicate matters pertaining to Islaamic perceptions and knowing that most of our Islaamic heritage has been written and preserved in this language.

I thought and wondered for some time as to when someone would take up the daunting challenges of teaching Urdu here in the west in such a manner that is not only acceptable to the western mind but will also reach their hearts with purpose.

I visited all my teachers and sought their blessings. They all very kindly wished me well and with Allaah Almighty'sit grace and the boon of His beloved prophets, Khaana-e-Adab opened its doors in September 1978.

For the first nine years, I did not teach children for their parents were my target. First create an atmosphere conducive, then offer it to the children was my feeling. At this point I also did not have a syllabus in place. My cousin Mr. Abdul Majied Jaffer brought a booklet to me to read on Urdu which is called "Teach yourself Urdu in two months" by the late Professor Aziz-ur-Rehman. May Allaah Almightytif grant him a high place in Jannah. I had a serious look at this book and decided to use this format. Today this same syllabus has shown success in many aspects.

Al Hamdu Lillaahi! Many inventive lessons are involved to the point where I even had to use new names unknown to those who have not studied from this syllabus, for these same lessons have not been found by myself in any other books. The syllabus is structured in such a manner that the student gradually becomes familiar with all aspects of the Urdu language.

In 1986, children were admitted to these classes for the first time. Here things changed dramatically. For the first time, I used colours on the board to highlight what I wished to explain. I was amazed at the result and felt immediately that most of us adults are guilty of presenting Islaam to our children in black and white only. This brought about THE SYNTAX CHART!

The enthusiasm amongst the children was phenomenal to say the least and the school has seen a steady growth of learners over the past 26 years.

1990 saw the school celebrating the birthday of the beloved prophets. This has become an annual practice. Al Hamdu Lillaahi! Please click on THE JALSAH to learn more about this addition.

1999 saw the opening of the
Please click on these names to read more about them.

2001 saw the classes of ON PITCH being offered.
Please click on this name for more information.

The NA'AT ACADEMY and the GEET ACADEMY sparked off CDs.
Please click on CDs to access info on them.

Wishing you well always.
Yours in Islaam

Ustaad Rawoot
Chishti Nizaami Qamari



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  CDs:   0>>  1>>  2>>   3>>   4>>   5>>   6>>   7>>   8>>    9>>   10>>   11>>   12>>   13>>   14>>   15>>   16>>
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