evenings are arranged as time would allow to further enhance
the latent talents in the community. Here every local
Na'at singer is invited to participate. The participant
need not have singing abilities for there exists a culture
in the rendering of Na'ats known as "Tahtul-Lafz".
No prize-givings are involved for this is not the aim.
The aim is to receive ones reward, if any, from Almighty
Allah .
This teaches the participant, not to be mindful of worldly
gain when praising the beloved prophets (AS).
This has shown some positive growth and has resulted in
a true appreciation of the various styles of delivering
Na'at. And the locals participate enthusiastically.
May Allaah Almighty
grant everyone's just desires.
Yours in Islaam
Ustaad Rawoot
Chishti Nizaami Qamari Principal