Ustaad Rawoot
Principal of Khaana-E-Adab
School of Urdu Grammar - established
1978 Cape Town
Chishti Nizaami Qamari
proudly presents
Of Urdu Grammar Established 1978
Na'at/Geet Academy Established 1999 -
Urdu on P/C Established 2000 -
On Pitch! Established 2001
37, Mavis Road, Rylands Estate
7764 Cape Town South Africa.
Tel. No. +27 21 633 0261
The Khaana-e-Adab "On Pitch" was started
in August 2001 after one of my students Dr. S. Parker
{Razzack} mentioned to me that he knows of no Muslim
person who teaches Eastern music in the Cape Town
I can honestly not say that I know much in the real
sense of what needs to be known, other than a passion
for music which I have inherited from my parents
and grandparents from both sides of my family. Taking
to Eastern music was as natural as breathing for
me after I studied Urdu as a language. It goes without
saying that Urdu became much more than just a language
to me.
This culminated in the writing of a simplistic formula
with little children in mind, who are not able to
go to a formal musical institution and are thus
unable to read music on paper. Each learner must
have his/her own keyboard, be it any type, a Yamaha
or a Harmonium or any other. All key boards are
essentially the same.
Please take a peek at the manner in which the material
is presented to them on the this site.
These lessons are conducted in such a manner that
the learner becomes able to hear a song or piece
of music, write it down and play it in as simple
a form as is possible. Some of these students are
now with the programme for the past three years
and are doing quite well. They willingly admit that
they are now able to appreciate instruments in the
same songs they hear daily, but have acquired a
new sense of listening.
They learn about sharps, the flats, the major and
the minor chords as well as a few of their choice
combinations in as far as musical notations are
I do hope that at least some of them will further
themselves in a musical career. Who knows what's
out there?
Some of these learners are students of the Khaana-e-Adab
Na'at Academy and the On Pitch lessons help them
to understand which way is up or which way is down,
and how to hold a note. And in this manner become
The learner can "Allaah willing" begin
to compose their own tunes. I fondly wish all these
learners great success in their endeavours.
Yours in Islaam
Ustaad Rawoot
Chishti Nizaami Qamari